25 septembre 2008

Prada/The Flower

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Call it the curse of Gutenberg...literate peoples tend to forget the magic not of words, but of sound with meaning...flower is one example for English-speakers.

Think about it: flow-er. An ordinary word can have very deep associations.

Why do I mention this? Because fashion isn't necessarily about the style of the moment. "Fashion" can mean everything that humans make - from pottery to clothing, to even the ideas we choose to hold. But those "fashion moments" which seem - sometimes like a crack high - to come less and less as we see more and more collections make one wonder: what are we really after each season?

So, ponder the recent Prada collection with all its reported "missteps" and one may be able to see that there is a bigger message than just the key item, the "must-have" of the season. There are deep associations in the collection.

A bit roundabout, but Prada got it right, for so many seemingly wrong reasons.

- AP

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