Gentle Reader -
Usually Chanel collections under Karl Lagerfeld are one of the following:
very Chanel
- very Karl
- very NowThe recent collection for P/E 2011 (that's 'Spring-Summer' for the
beginners), was something else entirely: all three
at once, and it made for a unique moment in fashion.
Here was a ready-to-wear collection (or more correctly, a
limited edition showing) that evoked everything that was exclusively the domain of haute couture alone: lightness, movement, impeccability, and mastery of form. Did I mention that it was even
hauntingly beautiful?
This was a collection for the
history books - if books will still be around. No, this Chanel collection was not the earth shatter of Dior's 1947
Corolle (ah, the 'New Look') or spellbound opulence of Yves Saint Laurent's 1976
Ballets Russes.
This was a
breaking through time, the force of Karl's vision made current fashion look utterly contrived and out-of-date. For those who pre-order, I am sure you have
done so already.
- AP